Monday, May 4, 2009

Founder's Day

*Brothers of Alpha Delta with sisters of Gamma Sigma Sigma: Founder's Day, 2009*
Founder's Day each year is an event, to say the least. Brothers of Alpha Delta meet up on campus and load into various vehicles, car-pooling to the small town of Burnham, approximately one hour south of Orono. Burnham is a town that most have not heard of, with a greater population of cows than people. It's a perfect site, however, for the annual Founder's Day celebration of the Alpha Delta service fraternity. Founder's Day is a chance for the brothers to take a chance from their service projects and spend some time enjoying one another's company in a low-key, relaxed atmosphere. Many speak of Founders' Day as one of their favorite activities that the fraternity does together each year, something fun they can do before the stress of finals hits and school is out for the summer. Founder's Day, as one can judge from the name, celebrates the founding of the fraternity, a time for the brothers to celebrate each other and the values of the fraternity: mainly, service to the university and the community.

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