Monday, May 4, 2009

Late Night Local

You may have heard of the Late Night Local, the University of Maine's unique and original mode of transportation offered to those who have had a bit too much to safely transport themselves. Affectionately referred to by many as "the drunk bus", the Late Night Local is a large van, similar in appearance to the one featured above, that is driven every weekend by the Alpha Delta Brothers and Gamma Sigma Sigma sisters. Each Friday and Saturday night, one brother and one sister fires up the box-shaped van and drives about the Orono/Old Town area offering rides to students walking along the sidewalks or through campus. Sometimes even venturing into Bangor, the LNL, as it is often abbreviated, provides a safe, free, no questions asked ride for students who are over the limit of intoxication to safely drive themselves, and do not have money or simply do not want to pay to take a cab from place to place. The rules are simple: if you want a ride, flag down the van and hop on, just don't bring any alcohol or illicit drugs on with you. Also, the brothers prefer no vomiting while inside the van. It's common knowledge that this is one of the rules that some literally cannot adhere to once they have reached a certain point.
The LNL generally operates from 10:00p.m.-2:00a.m. each Friday and Saturday night, but sometimes is out later or is shut down early, depending on the amount of riders there are.
So, if you find yourself out and about in Orono this weekend, stumbling along the sidewalk on your way to the next hopping party and you see a big, rumbling van driving past- you may very well hear a voice holler out the passenger side window, "Late Night Local, do you need a ride?" Don't be afraid to get on, they're there to help and are not going to get you into any trouble or charge you a fee. The brothers of Alpha Delta simply want to see you arrive at your destination safely. Let them be there to help.

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