Monday, May 4, 2009

Political Posts

"I would like to put together a group of people who would like to talk about the issue of tobacco as it relates to the campus or anything in general. Anyone is invited, smokers and non, as we would like to hear the thoughts and opinions from all as they are truly valued. We would meet for about an hour to discuss this topic. If you are at all interested in participating or if you would like more information please reply sender and I will be happy to get back to you."-Zachary L. Macklin

This is a post made by one of the brothers to the Alpha Delta folder on First Class. Just one example of the involvement many of the brothers have in controversial issues not only on campus, but involving the nation as a whole. Macklin was hosting a forum on campus for students to address the issue of tobacco and how it relates to the country as a whole, but in particularly the UMaine campus. This is a bold move on the part of a student, but one that does not phase leaders such as Macklin. The Alpha Deltas are an opinionated bunch, but a group of brothers who know how to voice these opinions in a mature, articulate manner, a manner that asks to be heard, that calls for change. Many posts in their First Class folder involve the various service projects they are working on, some are jokes between the brothers, but many are politically charged, issues they feel passionate about, changes they want to see made on campus and throughout the community. It's leaders such as this, intelligent, mature young men, that are able to lead their peers and gain the respect necessary to successfully carry out much of the change and the service that we see completed on the UMaine campus as a result of their efforts.

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